Prismarine shards are probably the best loot available from a Minecraft ocean monument. This is due to the fact that they are used to make sea lanterns, one of the sleekest and most modern-looking blocks in all of Minecraft. This means that farming for them is a near requirement for anyone looking to do any megabuilds using sea lanterns.
Detailed below is how to build a simple, nether portal-free guardian farm for Minecraft’s early and mid-game.
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How to build a Minecraft guardian farm in update 1.20
1) The awful, terrible, no-good preparations
Helpful tip: Between waterbreathing to perform activities beneath the sea and invisibility to avoid guardians, there are several very useful Minecraft potions for those who enjoy the alchemical side of crafting.
This first part of the farm-building process is by far the worst, as you will need to take care of three major things:
- Kill all three Minecraft elder guardians.
- Break down the entire ocean monument.
- Drain a significant surrounding portion of the ocean.
This process is slow and arduous, but assuming you use invisibility potions, it is completely free of risk. The rest of the instruction process will assume that the monument has been reduced to foundations and the ocean has been drained.
2) Find the center of the ocean monument
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