Minecraft speedrunning is an intense and rewarding experience for several players worldwide. Although they prefer to try out random seeds to see how they perform in a given run, others use a set world seed that they can practice and know what to expect. It’s a great way to learn speedrunning and perfect a player’s completion time as much as possible.
The decision is up to each Minecraft speedrunner, but utilizing a set seed can be a huge help, particularly for those new to the community. Most set seeds in Java and Bedrock Editions offer plenty of benefits that make getting to the Nether, then the End to defeat the Ender Dragon a simple process, and the rest comes down to dexterity.
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10 of the best Minecraft speedrunning seeds worth trying out
1) 2984198431426858954 (Java 1.16.1)

When it comes to progressing to the Nether and End in a seed quickly, this Minecraft: Java Edition seed is tough to beat. Players spawn directly between a village at (X: 296 Z: 40) and a ruined Nether portal at (X: 152 Z: 40). Moreover, heading through the ruined portal leads players to emerge in the Nether right on top of a piglin bastion where they can commence their trades for ender pearls.
From there, two strongholds rest at approximately (X: -844 Z: 1,364) and (X: 2,132 Z: -76) to help…
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