Minecraft has one of the most extensively documented development histories in all of gaming. Having seen active development for over a decade, the current state of the game is almost unrecognizable when compared to the earliest version due to the different features that have been added and changes made over the years.
That being said, we look at 10 additions and changes that created the largest impact on Minecraft as a whole.
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The top 10 features that changed Minecraft the most
10) Ender Chests/Shulker Boxes

As Minecraft continues to receive updates, more items are added to the game for players. For instance, take the upcoming Minecraft 1.21, which will add wind charges, saving players from fall damage, and wolf armor, which keeps dogs safe. Both are items players might want to keep for emergencies.
However, despite more additions added to the game, the inventory remains the same, other than two incredibly helpful additions. The first was the ender chest. It works like a normal single chest, but all of a player’s ender chests contain the same items.
The next was Minecraft’s ever-useful shulker boxes, which function as chests that retain items when broken. But what really broke storage was being able to put shulker boxes inside of an ender chest. This means players can effectively carry around 27…
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