One of the most iconic Minecraft updates of all time was the 1.14 Village and Pillage update. It not only overhauled the villagers, but it also introduced a rather relevant game mechanic called illager raids. They offer a challenging, exciting, and fun combat feature that offers OP loot, advancements, and a fun experience. We will do a deep dive into exploring raids in Minecraft and share everything you need to know about them. With that said, let’s begin!
What are Raids in Minecraft
Raid is an illager attack on a village. During this event, illager mobs will spawn in waves near a targeted village. They will then start attacking and killing all the villagers inside it. Your job is to save the villagers by defeating the illagers.
A boss bar will be displayed at the top indicating how many mobs are left from a raid wave. Illagers will continue to spawn until you defeat the final wave and reach the end of the raid.

How to Start a Raid in Minecraft
To start the raid, you’ll first need to obtain Bad Omen status effect. It’s a special effect that you can only get by killing an illager captain. You’ll also get it if your tamed wolf kills the captain. This Minecraft mob will always have an ominous banner above their head.
Pillager captains spawn as a part of a pillager patrol and at a pillager outpost structure. Pillager patrol is a group of pillagers that occasionally spawns in an area around the player and roams around….
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