- Water is the best tool for surviving explosive attacks in Minecraft, especially against Creepers and TNT blasts.
- Blocks like Obsidian have incredibly high resistance values, protecting against common powerful explosions.
- Some blocks, like Light Blocks and Barrier blocks, are overkill in terms of blast resistance and can only be obtained through commands.
There are all kinds of things that can explode and destroy blocks in Minecraft, from weaker sources like Ghast fireballs and Creeper explosions, all the way to more serious firepower, like TNT blocks, End Crystals, and the Wither’s deadly ranged attacks.

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Although this is a simplification of the complex calculations being run behind the scenes, whether a block gets destroyed depends on two main things: how much damage the explosion is causing, and how resistant the blocks being affected are to explosions. After reading, you’ll get a better idea about just how safe your base really is from explosive damage.
Block resistance values were sourced from the official Minecraft wiki. Some blocks mentioned, like trapdoors or Dragon Eggs might not seem like blocks, but are nonetheless classified as such in the game’s code.
8 Block Resistance Category: Five
Can Withstand Ghast Projectiles
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