- Formations Nether: Encounter new and unique structures in the Nether, making exploration interesting again. Mod link: [Formations Nether].
- Incendium: Redesigns the Nether using only vanilla blocks and runs from the server-side. Add your own personal touches with a texture pack. Mod link: [Incendium].
- Regions Unexplored: Adds over 70 new biomes and 700 new blocks and plants for a diverse and awe-inspiring gameplay experience. Mod link: [Regions Unexplored].
World generation is a big reason Minecraft is so great; for the most part, you never know what kind of unique terrain, structures, or geography you’ll encounter as you explore a massive world. Well, you know there will be villages, for example, but thankfully they all manage to look a bit different depending on their spawn point.

Minecraft: 8 Best Prison Servers
If you’re looking for great Minecraft Prison servers, check out these recommendations.
These world generation mods all refer to changes or additions that, in some way, affect terrain, geography, or structure generation within the game. With that out of the way, let’s jump into the best mods that help make exploration feel fun and full of wonder again.
All mods mentioned are intended for, and compatible with, Minecraft Java Edition, versions 1.20 and above. Depending on the mods you decide to download, you will need the appropriate dependency: Forge, Fabric, or Quilt.
8 Formations Nether
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